Eye Envy

Tear Stain Removal

Our All Natural Tear Stain Remover is a topical 2 step process:

Step 1) Clean the area with the Solution

Step 2) Apply Powder.  Our kits come with Solution, Powder, Application Pads and an Optional Brush.  

Eye Envy is a great natural alternative to ingested tear stain removers. Our Tear Stain Remover does not contain Tylosin or antibiotics.  

Breeds usually affected by Tear Stains are:

  • Dogs - Maltese, Shih Tzu, Havanese, Poodles, other white coloured breeds
  • Cats - Persian, Himalayan, Turkish Angora,  and other white coloured breeds

Beard Stain Remover

Eliminate beard stains and odor caused by saliva oxidation, artificial food/treat coloration, or yeast/bacterial infection. Off The Beard contains all natural ingredients for a clean, smell-free and kissable beard.

On The Nose

Designed with a perfect blend of all natural ingredients that nourish and heal your pet’s nose.  It contains natural sunscreen properties, helps prevent windburn and heals cracked/itchy nose pads.

On The Paw

Enriched with natural oils and extracts to heal, protect and restore your pet’s paw pads. On the Paw Therapy Balm treats pads that have become dry, flaky and even hard with a callous like appearance.

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